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Shikyokushinkai ASIA KARATE SEMINAR & DAN TEST 2024


Date: 26-28 January 2024
Place: Batu – Malang, East Java
Organizer: Indonesia Branch

This year’s Karate Seminar received more participants than last year. There were 119 participants from within the country and 11 participants from abroad, so a total of 130 participants.
From Sri Lanka 4 participants, from Mongolia 2 participants, from Singapore 2 participants, from China 3 participants.

This time, Asia Karate Seminar 2024 was held in the tourist city of Batu-Malang, East Java. The air was cool, around 19 degrees to 25 degrees, so exercising outside was quite pleasant.
Friday, January 26, everyone started arriving in the morning. The last group arrived until midnight.

The next day training started at 6:00 am on a large grass field led by Shihan Shinichi Sotodate and several Branch Chiefs from Indonesia.
Shihan Sotodate provided a lot of knowledge regarding the understanding of Kihon techniques which were still considered to be done incorrectly by some. Trainers from Indonesia were spread out in faraway places so that they can only justify their techniques which were still not quite right if there was an opportunity to meet like this Karate Seminar event.
All Kihon techniques were repeated until Ido-Geiko and only ended at 8:00 am.

After finishing breakfast, training started again at 09:00 am. All Brown Belts and Black Belts trained in the building led directly by Shihan Sotodate and assisted by several Branch Chiefs; while the Color Belts practiced outside in the same place led by Shihan J.B. Sujoto and several other Branch Chiefs.

In particular, a lot of training for black belts had to be repeated, so it could only be finished after being delayed until 12:15 pm from the initial plan of 12:00 pm. Certificates and belts were handed over from Shihan Sotodate to several Indonesian Branch Chiefs who had been promoted on the occasion of the 13th World Championship.
Sensei Mario also handed over souvenirs in the form of batik clothes which are very famous in Indonesia to Shihan Sotodate on this occasion.

Saturday’s training event was considered finished and everyone could enjoy the atmosphere of the tourist city of Batu freely. Shihan Sotodate and the translator, accompanied by Sensei Mario, went for a walk and had lunch outside. Meanwhile, WKO Indonesia figures held a meeting to determine activities for 2024.

In the evening, everyone gathered in the Hall to commemorate the 42nd Anniversary of the karate organization which is now called WKO Shinkyokushinkai Indonesia. On this occasion, many people handed each other souvenirs and plaques, and Shihan Sotodate also got them. Many considered him to be a simple person and very caring towards those who want to know about the technique of Kyokushin karate correctly.

The next day at 09:00 am, Dan examination started in the hall. There were 30 participants who took this exam opportunity. Six people came from abroad and the rest from within the country. At 12:00 pm the exam had just ended and only one person failed, while 6 people got a Gray score and got a second chance to continue the exam and were finally declared passed.

Shihan Sotodate handed over gifts to all Branch Chiefs throughout Indonesia. Thank you very much for your generosity. All participants returned to their respective cities bringing new experiences and several participants from abroad, including Shihan Sotodate, still stayed one more night.
The next day everyone returned to their respective countries. Sayonara, mata aimashou.