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Shinkyokushinkai Karate Belgian Branch Black Belt Seminar 2023


Date: December 1-3, 2023
Place:Kasterlee, Belgium
Organizer: Belgium Branch (Branch Chief Koen Spitaels)

Belgian Branch Black Belt Seminar took place from 1st to 3rd December in Kasterlee.
In total, 48 black belts and 6 brown belts from 17 dojos’ participated in the seminar.
Shihan Sotodate was a mystery guest so nobody knew who would come to teach.
Therefore it was a very big surprise for all participants that Shihan Sotodate who is well known as the grading instructor on all gradings for higher belts in Japan after the world championships. Shihan Sotodate went through all Kihon and Ido, and all Katas and he showed us the way how gradings are being given in Japan.
All participants were very happy and satisfied to get these basics from the first hand of a very experienced top instructor. There was a very good atmosphere and Shihan showed a very kind and open heart to answer all questions.
Shihan Sotodate came for the second time to Belgium, and it will certainly not be the last time, because Shihan has stolen all hearts and we were very privileged and happy with his presence and teaching.

The Belgium branch is in a growing trend because we could introduce the camp to 3 new dojos. Last year we had about 600 members and now in 2024, we will have 770 members, so we are very proud of this strong evolution.