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Shinkyokushinkai karate Hungarian National Team Camp


Date: 11-14 January, 2024
Place: Hungary, Mátraháza
Organizer: Hungary Branch(Branch Chiefs Jozsef Stefanovics and Tamas Szabo)

Foundation training camp of the Hungarian Shinkyokushin kumite team

The youth, junior, and adult national teams, with more than 80 people from all the hungarian branches, had a training camp at Mátra, the highest point in Hungary from 11th to 14th January.
In great training conditions and with special meals, the 4-day camp was conducted with 3 training sessions and 2 lectures per day.
There were a lot of fights, partner exercises, shield work, and strengthening during the training sessions, as well as a symbolic tour to Kékes, the highest point in Hungary.
The training sessions were led by the coaches of the Hungarian national team.

There was also a Sayonara party at the end of the camp, where community building took place and the previous year was celebrated. The most successful youth, junior, and adult competitors of 2023 were introduced.

The leader of the camp: József Shihan Stefanovics, National Coach
Camp organizer: Szabó and Stefanovics Branch
Camp participants are all Hungarian Branches: Kálóczi Branch, Kovács Branch, Kalmár Branch, Szabó Branch, Zsuga Branch, Stefanovics Branch