Date: 14-16 February 2025
Place: Bandungan, Central Java
Organizer: Indonesia Branch (Branch Chief Mario Suyoto)
Indonesia Karate Seminar 2025 was held from 14 to 16 February 2025 in Bandungan of Central Java. Participants came from various area in the country, such as Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Bali, Central Java and East Kalimantan.
This seminar was aimed to spirit up the skill and persistency to maintain both our physical and mental health especially of young members.
Shihan Sujoto, who is 74 years old this year, is still consistent in maintaining his health. He said: we cannot stop getting older year by year, but you must not let the spirit down. You cannot do anything without spirit inside, so fire up the spirit and you will flow and continue until the end.
The seminar participants were very enthusiastic to know more about Karate and it was seen from their KIAI when we do KIHON, IDO and KATA.
Shihan Sujoto, Shihan Tejo Lesmono, Shihan Heru and Sensei Mario shared their precious knowledges to the participants to improve their techniques such as Tachi (stance), Tsuki (punches) and Keri (kicks). Participants worked in two groups; black belts were led by Shihan Sujoto and the others were led by Shihan Heru and Sensei Mario.
At the end of the seminar, the grading exam was conducted. Twelve participants showed their excellent ability and successfully passed this exam. Passing the exam is a milestone in their karate life, and they must continue to skill up and spread the spirit to their dojo.
We hope the next year’s seminar 2026 to be even more festive and exciting especially for black belt members.