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New Zealand Honbu Annual Training


Date: May 22, 2021
Place: Napier, New Zealand
Organizer: WKO New Zealand Honbu (Branch Chief Virgil Troy)

New Zealand Branch Annual Training took place in Napier on Saturday 22 May. Over 50 Shinkyokushin members, along with guests from Auckland and Taranaki, participated in the group training.
The seminar covered technical aspects of Shinkyokushin Karate, including Junbi undo (stretching and warming up), Kihon, Ido, and Kata in the morning session, followed by the other techniques and activities in the afternoon.
Students enjoyed a Kata demonstration by members of the New Zealand Shinkyokushin Kata team, preparing to compete in the New Zealand Open Karate Cup competition in July this year.
With borders likely to open in 2022, we look forward to inviting international participants and instructors to next year’s event.