Date: September 13-15, 2024
Place: Ringerike, Norway
Organizer: Norway Branch (Ringerike Karate Club, Branch Chief Region East Ole
Thomassen Grejs)
Norwegian Autumn Camp 2024 took place from 13 to 15 September in Ringerike.
Japanese instructors, Shihan Kumiko Sunakawa and Sensei Mitsuhiro Izumi, attracted people from all over the country – including Sweden, in total 115.
On top of that, a group of 30 children from Ringerike Karate Club received a training of their own in the local Dojo, Friday afternoon.
The most important inspiration and knowledge for the Norwegian organization is Japan.
Surly Karate, but the interest for the nation and culture as well.
Several Norwegian Karate practitioners have taken the task to speak Japanese, which one believe will give further understanding and development of Karate.
The training was about how everything in Karate is connected.
This topic enlightens the meaning of what you do in the training.
This makes the training far more effective, in otherwords, you learn to train on the right things.
The many instructors who attended the camp received this very warmly.
Here you have valuable tools to use further in training in yourDojo, because this will raise the level.
Shihan Kumiko Sunakawa and Sensei Mitsuhiro Izumi created a unique atmosphere for learning – highly technical and sharp, but still relaxing.
Communication is always important. The correct use of the body can communicate all over the world, and in this case, the instructors from Japan “spoke” very well!
When it was necessary that the message reached everyone, there was an interpreter (Ms.Kanako Tate) on site. In addition to Norwegian participants who speak Japanese.
Among them was Johan O. Kjørstad (Organizer of the Ringerike Karate Club) , Marleen Gregusson(national team coach) and Ainar Miyata-Sturm.
Through the camp, all aspects were covered; Kihon, Ido, Kata and Kumite.
The participants strived to keep focusing on the details, and to bring them over in the next aspect.
The Norwegian Branch has worked hard to create a bond between Japan and Norway, sothat the members can have a more frequent exchange of training and, not least, friendship.
This means continuing to visit Japan to train and continuing to invite instructors from the landof Karate, Japan.
“Karate is not a battle against others, but a battle against yourself,” they told the participants at the camp during the end session.