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Shinkoykushinkai Karate Uruguay Technical Seminar in Rivera


Date: March 16, 2024
Place: Rivera City, Uruguay
Organizer: Uruguay Northern Regional Branch (Branch Chief Sebastian Scarlatta)

Uruguay branch held the technical seminar by Shihan Eduardo Garcia on 16th March 2024, at Rivera National Club. The coordination was led by Branch Chief Sebastian Scarlatta, with the collaboration of Sensei Elinton Flores, Edison De Los Santos, Sergio Rieta, and Ezequiel Rodríguez.
Over 60 participants of different levels and ranks participated, and Shihan Garcia taught both theoretical and practical contents.
The training was divided into several sections, focusing on a thorough and careful study of technique in its various manifestations. This included corrections of stances, execution of techniques in Kihon, movement dynamics, force control, proper projection of Ki in Idogeiko, and comprehensive work on Kata, which involved balance control, rhythm, etc.
The session concluded with a detailed examination of the different breathing techniques used in our discipline.