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Uzbekistan Branch Kumite Seminar


Date: April 15, 2018
Place: Samarkand region, Uzbekistan
Organizer: Sensei Mutal Nazarov

On April 15th, the trip to the mountains for training was organized by Sensei Mutal Nazarov.
In spite of cold and rainy day, in the morning the young Karatekas went to the mountains.
Fortunately, the rain stopped when they reached Ziyadin Mountains after going on foot 6 km and climbed to the top of the mountain (height 200 m). The Kumite seminar was held on the mountains in Samarkand region with eighty Karatekas from three Dojos. The trainer-instructors showed techniques of Kumite to the young boys and girls. The two hours training was held successfully and the Karatekas enjoyed training in the nature.
All the members of the Center Shinkyokushinkai Karate congratulated Shihan Kenji Midori for his coming birthday in that week and wished all his dreams and desires come true in this year.
Happy birthday.