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Shinkyokushinkai Karate Uzbekistan International Seminar in Tashkent / Instructors Seminar in Navoi


Date: January 24 and 26, 2024
Place: Tashkent, Navoi
Organizer: Uzbekistan Branch (Branch chiefs Khasan Nazarov and Mutal Nazarov)

On January 24, Kyrgyz branch’s member Mr. Vladimir Popikov visited Uzbekistan and held the international seminar with Uzbekistan Branch chief Mutal Nazarov (V Dan).
The seminar was attended by more than 70 karatekas. The coaches trained together and shared good practices, techniques of Kihon, Ido, Kumite, Kata to young students.

On January 26th, the training seminar was organized in Navoi city by the country representative, Shihan Khasan Nazarov (V Dan).
More than 30 trainers and instructors from all over the country participated in this traditional event held annually in the beginning of the year.
In the seminar, the referee instructions were showed, and participants practiced Kihon, Ido, Kata and Kumite. Also, there were the guest speakers with pedagogical, psychological, medical background, and an officer from law enforcement, who were invited to give the lectures.
Lastly, the Dan and Kyu grading exam were successfully held. Mr. Vladimir Popikov of Kyrgyz took this visit to challenge his 3rd Dan and successfully passed.